Baxi Heating UK participates in the government’s Hy4Heat project

Hydrogen as a future energy solution shows great promise in many countries around the world, this is especially true in the UK. Government and industry interest in the topic is high and large-scale field trials are in development as a means to demonstrate the possibility of gas network conversion in selected locations.

As a part of this wider activity. Baxi Heating UK is participating in a Government funded project called Hy4Heat ( Hy4Heat aims to establish if it is technically possible, safe and convenient to replace natural gas (methane) with hydrogen in residential and commercial buildings and gas appliances. This will enable government to determine whether to proceed to community trials. Hy4Heat will be the gateway to larger trials and, ultimately, hydrogen driven energy transition.

Clearly there are challenges to be overcome from an energy systems perspective to enable hydrogen use at scale, such as generation and delivery of sufficient clean hydrogen in a sustainable manner. Nevertheless, the Hy4Heat project is an important first step which will help inform Government policy and findings will help inform successive large-scale demonstrations.

Hy4Heat comprises several “work packages”. Baxi Heating UK is involved in WP4, which is focussed upon domestic hydrogen appliances, aiming to provide critical evidence of end use application, safety, in-use emissions and functionality,

We have now produced ten pure hydrogen boilers (five combination and five system) for the Hy4Heat project which will be used in demonstrations and trial activities.

Jeff House, Head of External Affairs for Baxi Heating UK says “I am very proud and enthusiastic about our work with Hydrogen and I see it as a critical part of the solution towards net-zero emissions in 2050. It is critical now that we move from concept to reality. By demonstrating our innovative boilers through the Hy4Heat programme, we can show tangible proof to Government and industry stakeholders that the use of hydrogen for heat is practical and achievable.”


"I am very proud and enthusiastic about our work with Hydrogen and I see it as a critical part of the solution towards net-zero emissions in 2050."

Jeff House | Head of External Affairs for Baxi Heating UK  

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